The Stacy Chronicles

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You Make Me Smile

People always tell you about how hard it is to be a parent, and they are so right.  It is literally the hardest thing Jeff and I have ever done.  You take two completely flawed human beings and give them perfect, pure little souls to raise.  You can’t hide your faults/flaws from those who are around you everyday.  So you try each and every day to be the best version of yourself for these tiny people.  It’s so hard.  I have already made so many mistakes I wish I could take back.  I need to work on my patience, temper, and strive to always have a positive attitude and show love to those around me.  Honestly, my list could go on and on.  I didn’t mean to make this into a “deep” post.

Rarely do you hear about what a JOY it is to be a parent.  We all have tough days.  We all have sleepless nights.  There are days when you have a hard time figuring out what you are going to feed your little birds 3 times in one day.  There are times when no matter how much you pick up, there will always be that one matchbox car you step on in the middle of the night.  There is always laundry piled to the ceiling, diapers to wash, dogs to bathe.  BUT there are blessings in each and ever thing that we might see as a “problem”.  My husband has a job so we can afford to feed our little birds 3 sometimes 5 times a day.  My children have plenty of toys to play with.  I am so proud to have a machine that washes and dries my clothes, etc, etc.

Milestones.  Memories.  Every day can be awesome.  No one told me how much FUN I would have as a parent!  This morning I was looking through old videos I took on my phone of the boys.  I am so proud of each and every one.  Last night Everett learned to walk.  Not just 3 steps and then fall down kinda walk, but really walking!  Up until now, he’d try and he’d get tired quickly.  Last night, you couldn’t stop him.  He’d stand right back up each time and keep going.  The smile on that kid’s face.  I just can’t tell you how happy he made us feel.  When they are old enough to start getting excited over new things they’ve learn… it’s just the coolest thing in the world to see those shiny eyes and beaming smile.

Being a parent rocks!  Being a mom rocks!  I literally have the coolest job.  I’m so grateful to my husband for working so hard, so I can be home with my babies and see every single milestone and memory being made.

So without further adieu, here is our little “walker”.

Everett learns to walk!